And that’s where mediation can come in. If done swiftly mediation is an effective way of resolving disputes. Avoiding a grievance process and/or finding yourself in a tribunal.

Mediation is a confidential, voluntary process and gives an alternative route to allow the parties involved to fully understand what is at the heart of the dispute.

The Role of a Mediator

An independent third party, a mediator, helps both sides come to an agreement. They help parties reach a solution to their problem and to arrive at an outcome that both are comfortable with.

Mediators don’t take sides, make judgements or give guidance. They are simply responsible for developing effective communications and building consensus between the parties.

Mediation Awareness Week

Mediation session in progress

The focus of a mediation session is to reach a common-sense settlement agreeable to both parties in a dispute.

If parties are unable to reach an agreement they can still follow alternative routes. Details about what went on at the mediation will not be disclosed or called upon.

Mediation Awareness Week

Next week is Mediation Awareness Week (Saturday 14 October to Friday 20 October 2017). This seems the ideal time to highlight that there is an alternative to an unhappy workplace or going through a more formal route to settle a dispute.

More and more people are using mediation to help them regain control over their disputes. Online dispute resolution is also an option, for international offices, and people who don’t wish to travel and may feel apprehensive initially to attend a meeting.

Mediation can also be used to settle disputes in a whole range of situations such as consumer disputes, contract disputes, family and neighbourhood disputes.

So, don’t hide away from issues affecting your business. Let common sense prevail and call in the mediator and move forward.

As part of Mediation Awareness Week, we’ll be sharing videos from a range of the events (on topics such as Brexit and community cohesion) on this website. To find out more about the events, visit: